Virus of Human Papiloma: a problem of public health in Venezuela

An investigation, made by Dra. Maria Correnti and her collaborators, reported variable existence HPV in the different zones from Venezuela (Metropolitan, Western and Eastern), in 2001. An important finding of this work, was the detection of the main genotype circulating in this Latin American country: HPV type 16, which is one of greater cancer potential. In an analysis of the studied female population, these investigators found a high existence of HPV of high cancer risk (70%) and associated of LIEbg and LIEag.
Currently, this document offers the results thrown by a new investigation about HPV, that had as base a group of students, whose age average was 25-years-old (rank of 16-35 years-old), patients of Obstetrics and Gynecology Service of Students Well-being Organization of Venezuelan Central University.

Key words
Human Papilloma Virus - Cervix Cancer - Papanicolaou Classification - Bethesda System

A todos nuestros pacientes por haber dado su consentimiento para participar en la pesquisa de VPH. Al Laboratorio CITOMED por su apoyo incondicional. Al Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (FONACIT) S1-2000000643 y Vicerrectorado Académico de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, por brindar los recursos económicos para la realización de estas investigaciones.